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How CISOs and CROs Collaborate on Cyber Risk

Published on Aug 23 2023

HHow CISOs and CROs Collaborate on Cyber Risk

Cybersecurity is not just a technological issue concerning specialists but a company-wide priority every department should consider seriously. In this regard, CISOs and CROs must collaborate effectively to reduce cybersecurity risks. From developing risk management strategies to allocating resources to mitigate those risks, CISOs and CROs have to join forces to address cybersecurity issues. 

This article discusses the significance of the partnership between CISOs and CROs and its key components, challenges, and outcomes. 

Why is a collaboration between CISOs and CROs important? 

Here are some of the fundamental reasons why collaboration between the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) is critical: 

Eliminate company-wide risks 

The scope of cyber threats extends beyond the digital infrastructure and puts the entire company at risk. Collaboration between the CISO and CRO can aid in better identifying and managing a company’s cyber risks. 

Develop better plans 

Companies must be flexible and quick to respond to the ever-changing nature of cyber dangers to avoid being caught off guard. If CISOs and CROs work together, the company’s risk management plans will be more current and responsive to evolving threats. 

Improve resilience 

When cybercriminals succeed in penetrating a company’s cybersecurity defenses, its reputation and continuity might be at risk. By working together, CISOs and CROs can spot and fix weak points and develop solid response strategies to act properly in the event of an attack. 

Make informed decisions 

A risk management strategy incorporating technical and business factors can be improved when CISOs and CROs combine expertise in their respective fields. 

Key areas of collaboration between CISOs and CROs? 

CISOs and CROs can develop a comprehensive and efficient cybersecurity management strategy by working together on several key areas: 

Risk assessment and management 

The company’s CISO and CRO may collaborate to locate vulnerabilities and assess risks. Together, they can decide which threats to address first, how to handle them, and what resources it requires. 

Incident response planning 

The company’s CISO and CRO can develop incident response plans detailing the steps to take during a cyber attack or security breach. This process includes determining who will do what, how they communicate, and how an event will be contained and resolved. 

Cybersecurity awareness trainings 

Security and chief risk officers can work together to create cybersecurity employee education and training programs that show employees how to recognize and respond to cyber threats. For example, the training could cover instructions for spotting and avoiding phishing scams, creating and using strong passwords, and other forms of internet security. 

Disaster recovery procedures 

In case of a cyber attack,  the company can continue to function with the help of business continuity plans developed jointly by the CISO and the CRO. The process involves drafting strategies for alternate business operations and implementing procedures for recovering vital systems and data. 

Strategies for successful collaboration between CISOs and CROs  

There are a variety of approaches that companies can use to foster productive relationships between their CISOs and CROs. Here are some approaches: 

Establish clear roles and responsibilities 

Companies can avoid confusion and overlap by outlining each position’s duties in detail. It is possible to achieve this goal by establishing decision-making and communication protocols and providing crystal-clear job descriptions. 

Foster communication and trust 

The success of any collaboration between a CISO and a CRO depends on the two parties being able to exchange information and trust one another. Meeting frequently, keeping an open line of communication, and allowing for casual exchanges are all ways to achieve this goal. 

Develop shared goals and metrics 

CISOs and CROs can better coordinate their efforts toward the same goal if they establish common targets. Creating a feedback loop for continuous improvement, setting metrics for success, and developing a shared risk management approach are all ways to get there. 

Evaluate and refine collaborative processes continuously  

Cooperation between CISOs and CROs is most effective when both parties have sufficient resources (time, money, and people). The company should provide both departments the tools they need to do their jobs properly. 

Regularly assess cooperative methods 

Constant progress requires routine assessments of current collaborative procedures and adjustments where necessary. For this purpose, continuous feedback, evaluating collaborative efforts frequently, and making necessary procedure adjustments are useful. 


Cyber risk management has become critical to a company’s security in today’s digital age. The collaboration between CISOs and CROs is essential to ensure effective cyber risk management. These two executives can identify potential threats, evaluate their severity, and develop risk mitigation plans. 

Moreover, the effective distribution of resources is also crucial in managing cyber risk, and the partnership between CISOs and CROs can ensure that resources are allocated effectively. Encouraging productive collaboration between these departments can help companies proactively encounter cyber risk and avoid security breaches that could harm their operations and reputation.  


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